Jaenichen, Claudine

Claudine Jaenichen, Assistant Professor of Art and Graphic Design

What was the biggest mistake you made when first trying to get published?
Being too general in my research topic (e.g. covering too much at once). The more specific I got in my scholarly work, the better publishing outcomes I received.

What is the most important thing you have learned?
I can still answer all my research questions, but one project at a time. Not only did this give me a more productive tempo to discover and follow new leads, but I developed a stronger body of work.

What should students be looking at in your field (conferences, festivals, journals, exhibitions, magazines, etc.) as forms of publication and exposure?
Being relevant to other areas but your own. The conversation is repetitive if you only speak/present/publish to your own discipline.

What are the most important things a student needs to know to get published?
Have people review your basics (grammar, spelling, works cited, etc.). You cannot revise these mistakes once it has been published. Work on projects you are passionate about.

What publications are you fond of in your field—do you recommend any specific ones?
Information Design Journal, Print, Communication Arts, Visible Language, Baseline.
What is your inspiration for writing/creating in your field—how do you balance your life with your work?

I choose scholarly work that I am passionate about. My topics are ones I developed at age 9 and haven’t stopped thinking about. The balance comes with prioritizing and a partner that has kept me grounded.

What is your opinion on finding representation for your work—querying agencies, etc?
I am in support of it if you know who these agencies are and the criteria they search in.

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