Prague to Peace

Title: Prague to Peace

Creator: Sarah Heinz

Category: Time

Creator Commentary:

I chose to write about the Jewish mythological figure Golem, the clay figure created to protect the Jews in times of persecution.  This myth is relatable to the theme of Time, for this figure has outlasted its hundreds of years of existence and is still applicable to Jewish culture today.  There are many debates on the malevolence versus the benevolence of this figure, but for the Jews, time has not changed its critical importance in instilling cultural pride and optimism for the future.  During my research, I found it extremely interesting how post-Holocaust literature was highly concentrated on the themes of the Golem, for after a time of near-destruction, the Jews were in need of a hero that reminded them of the Jewish tradition that wasn’t exterminated by the Nazis.  In my paper, I examine the fact that while media has distorted this hero, time has done nothing to deteriorate this Jewish savior.


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Creator Bio:

Sarah is a freshman Digital Arts major from Chicago and apologizes for the length of her paper.

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