If the Morning Ever Comes

Title: If the Morning Ever Comes

Creator: Hanna Rosenheimer

Category: Time

Creator Commentary:

This piece heavily uses feedback metaphors to convey stagnation and inactivity. Several motifs are repeated throughout the work, both in dialogue and narration, to give the piece a repetitive rhythm. The revolutions the main character, Beatrice, is trapped in prevent her from making any meaningful progress. When she finally breaks the cycle, it might be to make small steps, but it is nevertheless more progress than she was making when she was wallowing in self-pity.


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Creator Bio:

Hanna is a freshman math and political science major. Despite this substantial setback, she manages to find time to write. She is equal parts terrified and thrilled to let the world at large read her work. There are special places in her heart reserved for weird musical instruments, reptiles, and other people’s dogs.

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