
Title: Intimacy

Creator: Natalie Kowell

Category: Mind

Creator Commentary:

I think intimacy is all about discovering others. That feeling of closeness with someone, whether that be a significant other, a colleague, a family member, a pet, etc., first comes from knowing their mind; then allowing them to know yours. Understanding their way of thinking and their way of being. Allowing them “behind-the-scenes” of your thoughts. Intimacy cannot happen all at once though. It takes time. This poem is about the beginnings of a relationship and about the gradual process of knowing the person.


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Creator Bio:

My name is Natalie Kowell. I am a junior Peace Studies major in the Honors Program. I’m originally from Portland, Oregon and I love it there. I also love traveling, hiking, painting, cooking, and writing. If I could be anything in the world it would be an international nutritionist.

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