
Title: Torn

Creator: Jeevan Acharya

Category: Time

Creator Commentary: At a very early age your identity is formed based on your family and more importantly the relationship between you and your mother. In this short movie we see the impact of adaptation and abandonment on a child and how the child struggles to determine who he identifies as his family. After several years since he was separated from his mother, he has a chance encounter with her and is torn whether to remain a stranger to his biological mother or to reunite the lost bond. As a society will we support his ultimate choice, or will we impose our sense of identity on him?


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Creator Bio:

Jeevan Acharya is a freshman at the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts where he is pursuing a duel degree in Film Production and Computer Science with a minor in Honors. Jeevan’s love for filmmaking accelerated during his time at the Broadcast, Education, and Communication Network (BEACON) academy in South Elgin, Illinois. Jeevan has credited his
parents for allowing him to break from the traditional South Asian mindset of pursuing a science or medical path and instead following his passion of film. Jeevan’s passion includes cooking, playing soccer, and when time permits, taking a long run as a form of meditation.

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