Mi Piel Blanca


Title: Mi Piel Blanca

Creator: Marisa Quezada

Category: Body

Creator Commentary:

“Mi Piel Blanca” is about how my youth and life are shaped by my white privilege and my Mexican heritage. Because I was able to pass as white, I could attempt to distance myself from my own ethnicity so I could “fit in” with my white classmates. This relates to the body because I perceived myself as lesser because of my ethnicity and Mexican physical features, when in reality I should have been proud of my ancestry. I am now so proud of my heritage and encourage everyone to embrace themselves with pride.


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Creator Bio:

Marisa Quezada is a freshman Sociology major with a minor in honors. She was born and raised in Aliso Viejo, California and hopes to grow personally and intellectually throughout her undergraduate experience. 

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