
Title: Sinner

Creator: Avery Cardosi

Category: Mind

Creator Commentary:

In this piece, I wanted to examine the psychological illusions people create for themselves in lieu of what cannot be explained. Many individuals turn to prayer, spiritual guidance, or religious direction when faced with the challenges of everyday life. These rituals can provide comfort, healing, and some believe, reward. “Sinner” challenges the reality modern society has created surrounding religion and spirituality, prayer specifically, and poses the question: at what point does faith become fantasy?


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Creator Bio:

Avery is a freshman Creative Writing major and Italian Studies minor who has been telling stories for as long as she can remember, with no intention of stopping. That being said, she loves writing boldly, dancing poorly, making lists, and just about anything with commas. She is a member of the Chapman Cross Country team, and the Hufflepuff house. Her patronus is a basset hound, and her favorite moments occur when there is at least one dog present.


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