Love, Mary

Title: Love, Mary

Creator: Maithu Koppolu

Category: Time

Creator Commentary:

As we follow Mary’s journey of healing, we see it spaced apart by the dates of the letters. While the letters in the beginning of the story are written much closer together and show how she continues to live in and hold onto the illusion of her old life, the letters towards the end are months apart, sometimes even years, and show her disillusionment with what she thought was real, and her final acceptance of her new reality.


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Creator Bio:

Maithu is a freshman Creative Writing major who lives and loves to write. Whether it be a nasty piece on the unfairness of restricted TV time when she was in 2nd grade, or an opinion piece about diversity in her high school newspaper, she can run away with anything and turn it into a story. She’s in love with anything that involves babies or dogs, and can almost always be counted on to take at least 50 pictures at any given event.


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