In Space

Title: In Space

Creator: Gwyneth Casey

Category: Mind

Creator Commentary:

This is a song I wrote about my anxiety disorder. Writing music has always been something that helps me reevaluate my life, why I’m anxious in that moment, and acts as a sort of self reflection. I chose the category ‘mind’ because that is what my song is about. It’s about how my mind works, how it thinks, and what scares me into anxiety and eventually panic attacks. I am uncertain 99% of the time because of my mental illness, and that is why I felt it important to share in this age of uncertainty. For myself, the mind is explored through song, so I hope that this song can help you explore your mind as well.


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Creator Bio:

Gwyneth Casey is a Freshman at Chapman University hoping to double major in Physics and French. She hopes to pursue a career as an actress and singer. She has performed numerous songs in Seattle, WA, both covers and originals.

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