
Title: sleepwalking

Creator: Talia Cain

Category: Time

Creator Commentary:

For me, building an intimate relationship with someone has always relied much more on our minds than on anything else. Relationships grow through the sharing of ideas, experiences, opinions. Telling stories of our pasts, acquainting the other with who we used to be, brings us together in the present in such a way that cannot be mimicked. I wrote this about the briefest moment that made me feel like I was seen in a way only someone who I shared an intimate connection with could see me. Though I mention that she asks this question because of my body language, it takes an intimate knowledge of each other’s habits and thoughts to catch such minute differences.


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Creator Bio:

Talia is a junior Integrated Educational Studies and English major with hopes of becoming a high school English teacher. She is very passionate about education, social justice, and the arts. She also loves to travel, read, and spend time with her friends and family

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