The Last Me

Title: The Last Me

Creator: Ben Tuschman

Category: Mind

Creator Commentary:

This piece was an attempt at examining the fluid nature of self, how our minds are constantly changing and how desperately we might cling to the nature of past self. It’s really difficult at times to come to terms with changes in our personality, incongruities that don’t agree with our own story of ourselves, sometimes going so far as to seem like an entirely different person. Learning to accept those changes, to not fight against them, has been a really challenging but rewarding part of life.

Editor’s Note* We feel this piece ties into our theme of conspiracy in its exploration of the conspiracy of linear identity.


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Creator Bio:

Ben Tuschman is a sophomore studying Screenwriting. He is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is constantly caught between being angry at himself for not writing more and enjoying the feeling of doing nothing at all.

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